DEVELOPERS: prof. Shashenko O.M. (NMU), prof. Zviagilskii Yu.L. (OP “Shakhta imeni Zasiadko A.F.”) prof. Usachenko B.M. (Polyakova M.S. IGTM of NAS), prof. Levit V.V., Novik Ye.B. (SOJSC “Trest Donetskshakhtoprokhodka”), Dr. Sci. (Tech.) Drutsk V.P. (SRIASC of Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine), prof. Surgai MS (UkrNIIproekt Fuel and Energy Ministry Ukraine), Cand. Sci. (Tech.) Kirichenko V.Ya. (SPC “Geomekhanika”), Cand. Sci. (Tech.). Kuzhel S.V. (SHC “Dobropolyeugol” Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine)
PROJECT ESSENCE: Theoretical basics and scientific and technical principles for justification, calculation and constructions security and their fixing means application using bearing capacity of in-circuit rock mass, its geomechanical state changing and deformational and forth characteristics of the system: “fixing – rock mass” have been developed.

ADVANTAGES: Integrated geomechanical concept of mining stability problem solving, based on positions of system and process analysis at defining of the structure: “fixing (security construction) – rock mass” as the local geomechanical system by means of control deformation and forth parameters of constructions security.