DEVELOPERS: prof. Bondarenko V.I., academic of NAS of Ukraine Pivniak G.G., prof. Zaika V.Т., Sadovenko I.А., prof. Khalimendik YU.М. (NMU) Cand. Sci. (Tech.) Golovchanskii I.YE., Cand. Sci. (Tech.) Razvodov А.G., Cand. Sci. (Tech.) Shmigol V.V. (PJSC “DTEK Pavlogradugol”)
PROJECT ESSENCE: The problem of geological environment saving , energy saving and completeness of extraction of coal reserves was justified theoretically and solved practically due to introduction of advanced technologies of pillarless systems of coal seams exploration in consideration of smoothing permeability field gradients and tension on the base of coal mining enterprises of Eastern Donbass. It allowed to extract additionally 12 500 000 tons of coal in combination with technology of tectonic disturbances transfer. The complex of new technique level means for collection and processing of information on power supply, which is itself a double-level local system has been developed and introduced.

ECONOMIC EFFECT: A unique complex of technological solutions for saving complexity of the rock masshas been created. This complex increases the safety level of mining works and technologies for liquidation of sends break. Advances technology of pillarless system of coal seams exploration has been introduced. Complex of new technological level means at extraction of thin coal seams has been introduced.