DEVELOPERS: prof. Drizhenko А.Yu., associate prof. Safronov I.L., researcher. Shustov А.А.
PROJECT ESSENCE: New mining technology schemes of new genetic type brown coal deposits have been developed. They are associated with the fact that the part of overburden brown coal deposits on 90% consists of associated minerals: carbonaceous bitumen clays, industrial sulfur ores, diatomite (about 0.6 million tons), titanium ores, lead and zinc as well as refractory clays, glass and building sands.

- The proposed technology eliminates the conservation of protective pillar with the volume of 90 million m3 at the bottom of the open mine, and reduce power consumption for removing drainage water by 60 MW/year.
- The estimated cost of 1ton of carbonaceous mass mining makes 27.4 UAH or 72.76 UAH per 1 ton of coal.
- The technology implementation in three open mines of Kharkiv region during their construction has provided cost savings of more than 77 million USD.