DEVELOPERS: prof. V. V. Sobolev (NMU), doctor Sci. (Tech.) L.M. Shiman, Cand. Sci. (Tech.) E.B. Ustimenko, engineer L.I. Pidkamenna (SE "SPA Chemical plant of Pavlograd")
PROJECT ESSENCE: It is developed the safe industrial technology of production various modifications of the high-energy bulk and emulsion explosives (EE) of "ERA" brand, that have the high capacity and low sensitivity to external drillings. It allows to mechanize completely all operations on EE production and charging in mines and the technology of production the elements of not electric system of EE charges initiation. The mobile automated mini-plant was created. It includes compounds of the solid propellant with safe technological process in the range of ambient temperatures from - 35 to + 60°C

APPLICATION AREA: Concentrating factories.
- Productivity of the stationary plant for production of emulsion explosives - 60 000 ton/year;
- Reduction of emulsion explosives consumption by 15%;
- Reduction of the small fractions of rock mass output by 50%;
- Minimum unit costs: 0.8 - 0.94 kg per 1 m3 of rock mass;
- Minimum volume of toxic gases: 6.6 - 10.7 liters;
- The total economic effect: 1.08 UAH per 1 m3 of rock mass (for explosive brand of "Ukrainit");
- Toxic gases emission factor: 1.0 - 0.62, compared with the "Anemiks" (7.09);
- The cost of emulsion explosives is 20% lower than those available.