DEVELOPER: prof. Pilov P.I.
PROJECT ESSENCE: mathematical models of wet separation processes were created, which became the basis for technology of enrichment of ferriferous quartzites, in particular magnetite. That provides essential reduction of water consumption. The created technology provides definition of scientifically reasonable indicators of volume concentration of intermediate products of enrichment in technological operations, inter- hardware-based circulations of intermediate products of enrichment and supply of the cleared return and fresh water into final operations of each stage of enrichment.

APPLICATION AREA: Concentrating factories for mining and processing ores, particularly magnetite quartzites.
- Reduction of water consumption up to 20 m3 per a ton of concentrate;
- Reduction of electricity consumption by 10 kW*h;
- Payback period: 1-3 years;
- The cost and period of project execution depend on the required amount of research;