DEVELOPERS: associate prof. Cheberiachko S.I., associate prof. Radchuk D.I., associate prof. Cheberiachko Yu.I.
PROJECT ESSENCE: Improving the efficiency of dust means to insure personal respiratory protection can be achieved through more equitable distribution of filtration speed on the working surface area of the filter, which allows to increase the dust capacity of filters, their protective property and to reduce breathing resistance. New method of filter elements calculation for reusable respirators has been suggested. A number of filter elements models to a respirator, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents of Ukraine were developed and passed production tests at the coal enterprises. The resulting developments have been transferred to production facility for further introduction.

APPLICATION AREA: Enterprises of the mining, chemical, oil, gas and other industries that have a dusty atmosphere.
ECONOMIC EFFECT: The developed samples have the aerosol test penetration rate higher by 20%, dust capacity higher by 15% and breath resistance by 25% better, than existing analogues have.