DEVELOPERS: member-correspondent of National Academy of Science of Ukraine Beshta A.S., associate prof. Aziukovsii А.А., associate prof. Balakhontsev О.V., senior researcher Khudoley S.S., senior researcher Beshta D.А., senior researcher Peltek I.I.
Energy saving sources at exploitation of the water drainage complex are:
- Monitoring of actual technical state of each pump aggregate for forming the list of the serving priorities;
- Choosing a combination of pump aggregates for minimization of the unit energy costs;
- Schedule of switching on the pump aggregates to provide minimum value of water pumping;
- Automation pre-peak switching on of the pump aggregates, what provide minimization of costs necessary for exploitation of the water drainage system.

SPHERE OF APPLICATION: The system is actual for any production, where the parallel operation of the pump aggregates is used.
ECONOMIC EFFECT: The calculation has shown, that at the average water flow of 1500 m3/hour in the mine enterprise the energy consumption makes 1611 thousands kW*hour. Introduction of automation control of water drainage system in the PJE “Shakhta imeni Stashkova” provides energy saving of 1,75 million UAH annually.