DEVELOPERS: prof. Shashenko А.N., senior researcher Maslennikov YE.V., associate prof. Zhuravlev V.N., researcher. Kondratiuk I.V., junior researcher Dubitskaya М.S.
PROJECT ESSENCE: An efficient method for predicting dangerous gas-dynamic phenomena in coal mine gas without changes to the existing technology of coal mining. Equipment in a convenient and simple way in real-time displays the current level of safety in deposit development and informs beforehand about possibility of sudden flow of coal and gas. Normative method of acoustic prediction of sudden flows is realized in this research, which has a high prediction accuracy compared to existing analogues.

SPHERE OF APPLICATION: Coal mines, which have layers dangerous by sudden coal and gas flows.
ECONOMIC EFFECT: The economic effect from introduction is to obtain an additional profit by increasing labor productivity of mining workers and reduction scope of works for liquidation of gas-dynamic phenomena effects.