DEVELOPERS: ass. prof. Dreshpak O.S., ass. prof. Dreshpak N.S., ass. proff. Berezniak O.O., ass. proff. Chechel P.O., ass. proff. Berezniak O.O.
The technology involves enrichment ofthe associated sand to meet EN (ASTM) specifications and forced accelerated settling of clay particles of used water, which will reduce the consumption of process water and reduce the volume of construction work on the sludge storage facility.
The use of a deep enrichment module as a "green recycling" module to produce high-qualityenriched washed fractions from granite or limestones creening will allow the production of paving stonesor FEM tiles.
The raw material fraction is 5-10 mm, 2-5 mm, 0.63-2 mm 0.06-0.63 mm and 0-0.06 mm. Process water of accelerated rotation due to the use of peptizers (relevant in the summer period of operation or in areas with reduced water inflow).