AUTHORS: Holinko V.I. Cheberyachko S.I., Cheberyachko Y.I., Deryugin O.V., Slavinskyi D.V., Radchuk D.I., Klimov D.G.



Development of the design of a filter respirator with forced air supply capable to adjust automatically the volume of air flow in accordance with the nature of the user's physical activity throughout the life while maintaining the appropriate level of protective properties of the device.



Respirators of the developed design can be used in medical institutions, multidisciplinary chemical, coke and other enterprises, as well as in subdivisions of the Ministry of Defense and SES of Ukraine to protect employees and civilians in emergencies accompanied by toxic substances.



Obtained samples of final products, manufactured equipment, standardized design documentation, methodological materials for work support and regime documents of its operation. In the process of project implementation, a model of a filter respirator with forced air supply will be developed and manufactured. Such products are in demand not only in our country but also abroad. Foreign partners are interested in implementation of the proposed design at enterprises manufacturing final. Currently, there is no well-founded integrated approach to providing the population with filter respirators, their management and their disposal during the dissemination of infectious diseases that are spread by airborne droplets.



Patent of Ukraine No 147372 "Filter breathing apparatus with forced air supply", publication date 05.05.2021.



The new generation of filters, as well as universal personal protective equipment, are competitive not only in the domestic market but also in foreign markets as they have technical, ergonomic and sanitary characteristicsbetter than foreign counterparts, as well as lower unit production cost by 1.4 – 2.5 times. The economic effect of the use of personal protective equipment is expected to be obtained by reducing the cost of sick leave associated with disability, possible court and insurance benefits. An equally important factor is to prevent a decline in the productivity of workers who do not have adequate protection, due to deteriorating health and unplanned forced breaks.



The proposed design of the filter respirator has been successfully applied at the SPE "Standard".


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