DEVELOPERS: prof. Didyk R.P. associate prof. Griaznova L.V., associate prof. Lisniak A.G., assistant Biezrukova V.A.
ESSENCE: Innovative technology of strengthening the structural steels using high-density energy is that in order to reduce energy intensity and improve the performance of the process of chemical-thermal treatment, it is first used pre-shock-wave loading. The results showed the efficiency of pre-shock-wave treatment on the formation of doped layers of structural steel, which exceed significantly by parameters the doped layers obtained by traditional technologies strengthening.

The thickness of obtained diffusion layer - 0.40 mm. It is observed the heterogeneity of the doped layer. The doped layer consists of one phase Fe2V

The thickness of obtained diffusion layer - 0.85 mm. The obtained uniform doped layer has a solid phase FeB, which affects the durability of the layer surface
APPLICATION SCOPE: Engineering industries and engineering enterprises of Ukraine. Development is aimed at reducing energy consumption on production site and efficiency of thermochemical treatment of details of structural steels.
Increasing the productivity of the process of chemical-thermal treatment – in 2 - 2.5 times;
Increasing the service life in 2 - 2.5 times;
Reduction of energy consumption by 30 - 35%;
Increasing the thickness of the doped layer in 2 - 2.5 times;
Reduction of treatment processing time - 2 - 2.5 times.