DEVELOPERS: prof. Gorovaya А.I., prof. Ryzhenko S.А., associate prof. Skvortsova Т.V., associate prof. Klimkina I.I., associate prof. Pavlichenko А.V., engineer Buchavii YU.V., engineer Grunova V.YU., engineer Mironova I.G.
PROJECT ESSENCE: The system of ecology and social monitoring which allows to conduct a comprehensive assessment of environmental conditions and human health in areas with different levels of anthropogenic impact was developed. The highly sensitive methods of bio-indication, the assessment of levels of ecological and environmental-genetic risk for humans, as well as forecast and prevention of negative changes in environmental conditions and human health are used.

APPLICATION AREA: The project has a social value and is used as a tool for the complex assessment of environmental conditions and human health in areas with different levels of anthropogenic impact, assessment of levels of environmental and ecological and genetic risk to humans, prediction and prevention of adverse changes in environmental conditions and human health.
The cost of project execution – 0,5-1 million UAH;
The execution period – 1-2 years.