DEVELOPERS: ass. prof. Dreshpak O.S., ass. prof. Dreshpak N.S., ass. prof. Berezniak O.O., res. Chechel P.O., res. Berezniak O.O ass. proff. Shutov V.Yu.
The technology involves the integrated processing of construction materials generated as wastes in the production of reinforced concrete structures and the production of modern secondary products (metal, crushed stone, and sand) that can be reused in production and sold as conditioned products by other construction companies.
The technology belongs to the category of "green recycling”, which deals with deep waste processing, i.e. the extraction of valuable materials that can be reused in various technological processes (including industrial construction). Such technologies are widespread in the EU and form the basis of the sustainable development concept. In addition, they can be offered for the processing of building materials removed during the dismantling of destroyed buildings in the areas of destruction (which are classified as man-made raw materials).
Different contaminant levels and variability of input materials require individualized approach to each processing plant of construction wastes.
• Processed send 0.1-2 mm and 2-4 mm;
• Recycled crushed stone 4-8 mm, 8-11 mm
and 10- 20 mm
• Removedіmetal components;
• Removed lightweight components (plastic,
wood, paper).