Authors: Krysin R.S.,  Kuprin V.P.,  Ischenko N.I.,  Monakov V.F., Makarov O.I., Koltunov O.V., Vilkul O.J., Savchenko N.V., Nosov V.N., Chepurny P.G.

Scientific backgrounds are associated with production emulsion explosives (EVV) with controlled features. The developed scientific backgrounds became the basis of technology for their production and application. It has been determined the requirements to the quality composition and concentration limits of EVV components, accounting for their catalytic action. New mechanisms for transferring emulsions in the state capable of detonation using physical and chemical sensitizers were have been established. It has been implemented the technology of sensitizing emulsions with hydrogen peroxide solution, which provides free radical chain explosive conversion of the system and, consequently, high speed and pressure EVV detonation. Four complexes for production explosive components with general capacity over 160 tons per a year had been put into operation, what completely covers the need of Ukraine in industrial explosives.  Development and implementation of new technology provided a complete replacement of explosives containing TNT at all ore and 86 non-ore open mines of Ukraine, and unit costs of explosives decreased by 12.8%.

Harmful emissions decreased by 60-70%, which only in Kryvbas makes 3000 tons per year. Developed EVV by explosive features by 8-10% exceed the best world analogues of the leading firms in US, Canada, Sweden, Australia and Russia. The overall economic effect of the introduction is 541.8 million, including in 2011 - 168.9 million.