DEVELOPERS: prof. Shashenko A.N., prof. Sdvizhkov A.A., prof. Solodyankin O.V., associate prof. Gapeyev S.N., associate prof. Tereshchyuk R.M., associate prof. Babets D.V., associate prof. Ivanov A.S., researcher Kravchenko K.V., researcher Khalimendik O.V.
PROJECT ESSENCE: The implementation of high-efficiency coal mining technique requires shortening of technical equipment process downtime - dismantling of mining complexes and commissioning of new facilities. An innovative solution lies in preliminary construction of dismantling cameras outside the influence zone of sewage treatment works, thus it is possible to solve the problem of predicting the behavior of mining output at the impending wave-like front of rock pressure.

APPLICATION AREA: Coal mining enterprises, which introduce technology for mining coal with high-productive plow mechanized complexes.