DEVELOPERS: prof. Blokhin S.Y., associate prof. Taran I.A., associate prof. Dieriugin A.V.
PROJECT ESSENCE: Is to establish the type of transmission of mine diesel locomotive and its parameters, which ensure optimal energy performance of the engine and traction characteristics of the machine in the working range of operating speeds; development of science-based engineering methods and software for rational choice of the block diagram, design parameters, the possible speed adjustable range, which allows improving the efficiency and speed of the development and modification of the transmission vehicles.
Functional scheme of bi-flow transmission

Axonometric 3-D model GOMT
APPLICATION SCOPE: Mining enterprises of Ukraine and abroad.
EXPECTED PRACTICAL RESULT: The development of new technical solutions and extraordinary schemes of transmissions of mine diesel locomotives that provide optimal energy parameters of the engine and traction characteristics of the machine in the working range of operating speeds. Implementation of the results of a social impact by improving working conditions, efficiency and safety of operation of diesel locomotives.